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The development of society as well as the modernization of transportation helps the elite got an access to these products. But the popularity in combined with environmental devastation leads to the near extinction of sturgeons and raise of caviar price up to thousands of USD for a kilogram. And once again, the extinction of such species leads to our realization for preciousness and conservation responsibility.

Thanks to the development of technology and commerce, transporting sturgeons into countries which never have sturgeons in nature such as Vietnam for breeding and farming becomes possible.

With gigantic hydroelectric reservoirs and flow of hundreds m3/sec as well as cold water on the highland of Vietnam, millions sturgeons of Vietnam Sturgeon Group, including main species such as Osetra and Beluga, have a chance of free living as in the natural environment. And with over 3000 km of seaside length, natural sea fishes are brought to sturgeon farms weekly to ensure the usual food source for sturgeons as they are used to have for centuries. Employees of the company are leading experts from the Russian Federation as well as Vietnamese engineers and workers with love and passion for their careers, who dedicates their effort to ensure sustainable development and health for the sturgeon. With such motivation and the ideal farming environment, we are proud to introduce an excellent, friendly Caviar products to every consumers.

I found the developing sturgeon industry not only as an investment opportunity but also as my own responsibility and opportunity for reserving this rare fish species in the wild along with bringing the internal and international market a high-end, nutritious product with even better quality than natural exploited caviar.

As in a Russian proverb: “Хорошего должно быть много” (Things which are good should go galore)
I would say : “Хорошей икры должно быть много и доступно” (Good caviar should be of supply and easily bought any time)

Duc Anh Le – the founder and chairman of Vietnam Sturgeon Group




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