CAVIAR de ĐUC – Found of Origin

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To be a simple but elegant combination of caviar and salt, Caviar de Đuc has become a symbol of exquisite and luxury culinary style. The melting and spreading sweet and fleshy savor of Caviar de Đuc will bring you unforgettable moments, a true sense of difference and originality.

Caviar de Đuc – the first brand of sturgeon caviar produced and distributed in Vietnam

The key of Caviar de Đuc deeply lies in the origin of the product. Along with every growth stage of sturgeon is the dedicated care from farmers. Since the very first days when they are still young, sturgeon were provided a perfect living conditions with natural flow of water, microorganisms and light. We clearly understand that only in such conditions sturgeon would be healthy and grow at their best, and only that the sturgeon caviar would reach the highest quality. You can feel the powerful, natural and pure savor in every Caviar de Đuc from us.




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